Cala Ratjada Maps

Cala Ratjada Location Map

Full size Cala Ratjada Location Map

Online Map of Cala Ratjada

Large detailed map of Cala Ratjada

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Large detailed map of Cala Ratjada

Cala Ratjada Tourist Map

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Cala Ratjada Tourist Map

Cala Ratjada location on the Majorca map

1000x749px / 155 Kb Go to Map
Cala Ratjada location on the Majorca map

About Cala Ratjada

The Facts:
Autonomous community: Balearic Islands.
Province: Balearic Islands.
Comarca: Llevant.
Municipality: Capdepera.
Population: ~ 6,500.

Written and fact-checked by team.