Bay of Bengal Maps

Bay of Bengal Location Map

Full size Bay of Bengal Location Map

Online Map of Bay of Bengal

Large detailed map of Bay of Bengal with cities

1734x1976px / 1.16 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of Bay of Bengal with cities

Bay of Bengal political map

1448x1614px / 618 Kb Go to Map
Bay of Bengal political map

About Bay of Bengal

The Facts:
Area: 839,000 sq mi (2,172,000 sq km).
Max. depth: 4,694 m (15,400 ft).
Countries: India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka.
Major ports and cities: Chennai, Kolkata, Yangon, Dhamra, Paradip Port, Port Blair, Tuticorin, Visakhapatnam, Krishnapatnam, Chittagong, Colombo, Kakinada, Gopalpur and Mongla.

Written and fact-checked by team.