Detailed map of St. Moritz

This map shows streets, roads, trails, skilifts, churches, public toilets, parking lots, shops, cafes, bars, restaurants, museums, points of interest, railways, railway stations, and parks in St. Moritz.

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Map based on the free editable OSM map
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St. Moritz is a world-renowned alpine resort town located in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland, known for its stunning scenery and luxurious atmosphere. As a hub for winter sports and high-end tourism, St. Moritz offers a blend of natural beauty and modern amenities.

In the winter, visitors can enjoy skiing and snowboarding on a variety of slopes, with access to the extensive Engadin St. Moritz ski area. The town is also famous for hosting the Winter Olympics and the annual White Turf horse races on the frozen lake. In the summer, St. Moritz offers hiking, mountain biking, and golfing, with breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps. The town's elegant atmosphere, with a range of luxury shops, gourmet restaurants, and cultural events, ensures a memorable experience for all visitors.

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Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: November 22, 2024