Canton of Basel-Landschaft Maps

Canton of Basel-Landschaft Location Map

Full size Canton of Basel-Landschaft Location Map

Online Map of Canton of Basel-Landschaft

Canton of Basel-Landschaft map with cities and towns

1588x993px / 696 Kb Go to Map
Canton of Basel-Landschaft map with cities and towns

Canton of Basel-Landschaft municipality map

2204x1170px / 482 Kb Go to Map
Canton of Basel-Landschaft municipality map

Canton of Basel-Landschaft district map

1902x1289px / 322 Kb Go to Map
Canton of Basel-Landschaft district map

Canton of Basel-Landschaft road map

2332x1833px / 1.63 Mb Go to Map
Canton of Basel-Landschaft road map

About Canton of Basel-Landschaft

Basel-Landschaft is located in northwest Switzerland, bordered by the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Aargau, Solothurn, and Jura, as well as France to the west. The capital is Liestal, and other towns include Pratteln and Muttenz.

The canton covers an area of about 199 square miles (517 square kilometers) and has a population of 298,837[1]. It is divided into 5 districts, and German is the official language. Founded in 1833, Basel-Landschaft offers hiking and biking trails and features Augusta Raurica, an ancient Roman site. The canton is home to several small lakes, such as the Egelsee near Sissach, which is popular for local recreation.

The Facts:
Capital: Liestal.
Area: 199 sq mi (517 sq km).
Official language: German
Population (December 2023): 298,837[1].
Largest cities: Allschwil.

Districts: Arlesheim, Laufen, Liestal, Sissach, Waldenburg.

Municipalities: Aesch, Allschwil, Anwil, Arboldswil, Arisdorf, Arlesheim, Augst, Bennwil, Biel-Benken, Binningen, Birsfelden, Blauen, Böckten, Bottmingen, Bretzwil, Brislach, Bubendorf, Buckten, Burg im Leimental, Buus, Diegten, Diepflingen, Dittingen, Duggingen, Eptingen, Ettingen, Frenkendorf, Füllinsdorf, Gelterkinden, Giebenach, Grellingen, Häfelfingen, Hemmiken, Hersberg, Hölstein, Itingen, Känerkinden, Kilchberg, Lampenberg, Langenbruck, Läufelfingen, Laufen, Lausen, Lauwil, Liedertswil, Liesberg, Liestal, Lupsingen, Maisprach, Münchenstein, Muttenz, Nenzlingen, Niederdorf, Nusshof, Oberdorf, Oberwil, Oltingen, Ormalingen, Pfeffingen, Pratteln, Ramlinsburg, Reigoldswil, Reinach, Rickenbach, Roggenburg, Röschenz, Rothenfluh, Rümlingen, Rünenberg, Schönenbuch, Seltisberg, Sissach, Tecknau, Tenniken, Therwil, Thürnen, Titterten, Wahlen, Waldenburg, Wenslingen, Wintersingen, Wittinsburg, Zeglingen, Ziefen, Zunzgen, Zwingen.


1. "Federal Statistical Office.

Written and fact-checked by team.