Cantabria Maps

Cantabria Location Map

Full size Cantabria Location Map

Online Map of Cantabria

Large detailed map of Cantabria with cities and towns

4866x3223px / 7.08 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of Cantabria with cities and towns

Cantabria travel map

6410x4084px / 9.94 Mb Go to Map
Cantabria travel map

Cantabria tourist map

2689x1727px / 3.44 Mb Go to Map
Cantabria tourist map

About Cantabria

The Facts:
Capital: Santander.
Area: 2,054 sq mi (5,321 sq km).
Population: ~ 595,000.
Largest cities: Santander, Tresviso, Pesquera, Torrelavega, Camargo, Castro Urdiales.

Written and fact-checked by team.