Groningen province Maps

Groningen province Location Map

Full size Groningen province Location Map

Online Map of Groningen province

Large detailed topographic map of Groningen province

8377x9265px / 18.5 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed topographic map of Groningen province

Map of Groningen province with cities and towns

1319x1425px / 1.21 Mb Go to Map
Map of Groningen province with cities and towns

Groningen province road map

2150x2353px / 2.46 Mb Go to Map
Groningen province road map

Groningen province railway map

2000x976px / 226 Kb Go to Map
Groningen province railway map

About Groningen province

Groningen province occupies the northeastern part of the Netherlands, bordering Friesland to the west, Drenthe to the south, and Germany to the east. The province covers an area of 1,141 square miles (2,955 square kilometers) and maintains a population of approximately 596,163 inhabitants as of 2022.

The provincial capital, Groningen, serves as the region's economic and educational hub, hosting the University of Groningen, founded in 1614. The city contains about 200,000 residents, making it the largest urban center in the northern Netherlands. Other significant municipalities include Delfzijl, Stadskanaal, and Hoogezand-Sappemeer.

The province's economy historically centered on agriculture and natural gas extraction from the Groningen gas field, one of Europe's largest. However, due to induced earthquakes, authorities plan to cease gas extraction by 2024. Modern economic activities focus on renewable energy, digital technology, and life sciences. The Eemshaven seaport plays a crucial role in the region's maritime trade and energy sector.

Notable tourist attractions include the Martinitoren, a 97-meter church tower in Groningen city, the historic fortified town of Bourtange, and the Lauwersmeer National Park. The province features numerous medieval churches, characteristic windmills, and historic manor houses called "borgen." The Wadden Sea coast, a UNESCO World Heritage site, attracts nature enthusiasts and offers unique mudflat walking experiences.

The landscape consists primarily of flat agricultural land and reclaimed polders. The province maintains an extensive network of canals and waterways, which historically served transportation needs and continue to play a role in water management and recreational boating. The region experiences a maritime climate with mild winters and cool summers, typical of the northern Netherlands.

The Facts:
Capital: Groningen.
Area: 1,141 sq mi (2,955 sq km).
Population: ~ 596,163 (2022).
Largest cities: Groningen, Oldambt, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Stadskanaal, Veendam, Delfzijl.

Written and fact-checked by team.