Dordrecht Map


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Dordrecht Tourist Map

About Dordrecht

Grote Kerk (Great Church)
Grote Kerk (Great Church), Author: Google Street View

Dordrecht, often called Dordt by locals, is the oldest city in the Holland region of the Netherlands, receiving its city rights in 1220. Located in the western Netherlands, it is situated in the province of South Holland at the confluence of several rivers, including the Oude Maas, Noord, and Merwede.

The city's strategic location made it a significant trading hub during the medieval period, particularly for wine and wood trade. In 1572, the First Free State Assembly was held in the Augustinian Monastery in Dordrecht, marking a crucial moment in Dutch independence. This assembly laid the foundation for the Dutch Republic and established Protestantism as the official religion.

Among the city's most notable landmarks is the Grote Kerk (Great Church), formally known as the Church of Our Lady, which dominates the cityscape with its 65-meter-high tower. Construction of this Gothic church began in the 11th century and continued through the 15th century. The city is also home to the Dordrecht Museum, established in 1842, making it one of the oldest art museums in the Netherlands. It houses a significant collection of Dutch paintings from the 16th century to the present.

The historic city center features numerous medieval and post-medieval houses and buildings, with over 950 registered national monuments. The Groothoofdspoort, a former city gate built in 1618, stands as a reminder of the city's medieval fortifications and offers views of the intersection of three rivers. Another significant attraction is Het Hof, the former Augustinian monastery where the First Free State Assembly took place.

Today, Dordrecht serves as a regional center for trade, services, and education, with a population of approximately 119,000 (as of 2021). The city maintains its historical character while functioning as a modern urban center, with its port facilities continuing to play an important role in the region's economy. The annual Dordt in Stoom festival, the largest steam power event in Europe, attracts thousands of visitors to witness historic steam engines and boats.

The Facts:
Province: South Holland.
Population: ~ 122,089 (2024).
Metropolitan population: ~ 290,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: February 13, 2025