Prince Edward Island (PEI) Maps

Prince Edward Island (PEI) Location Map

Full size Prince Edward Island Location Map

Online Map of Prince Edward Island

Large detailed map of Prince Edward Island with cities and towns

6188x4372px / 8.5 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of Prince Edward Island with cities and towns

Prince Edward Island road map

3153x1618px / 1.77 Mb Go to Map
Prince Edward Island road map

Prince Edward Island tourist map

5133x4497px / 9.42 Mb Go to Map
Prince Edward Island tourist map

Prince Edward Island area road map

1000x835px / 495 Kb Go to Map
Prince Edward Island area road map

About Prince Edward Island

The Facts:
Capital: Charlottetown.
Area: 2,190 sq mi (5,660 sq km).
Population: ~ 165,000.
Largest cities: Charlottetown, Summerside, Stratford, Cornwall, Montague, Belfast, Kensington.
Official languages: English.
Abbreviations: PE, PEI.

Written and fact-checked by team.