Scotland Maps

Scotland Location Map

Full size Scotland Location Map

Online Map of Scotland

Detailed map of Scotland

1860x2621px / 2.01 Mb Go to Map
Detailed map of Scotland

Scotland road map

2213x2719px / 2.1 Mb Go to Map
Scotland road map

Scotland rail map

1717x1612px / 625 Kb Go to Map
Scotland rail map

Scotland tourist attractions map

2530x2317px / 1.47 Mb Go to Map
Scotland tourist attractions map

Administrative divisions map of Scotland

1108x1390px / 419 Kb Go to Map
Administrative divisions map of Scotland

Scottish Highlands Map

1773x2086px / 661 Kb Go to Map
Scottish Highlands Map

About Scotland

The Facts:
Capital: Edinburgh.
Area: 30,090 sq mi (77,933 sq km).
Population: ~ 5,500,000.
Largest cities: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Stirling.
Official language: English, Scots, Scottish Gaelic.

Written and fact-checked by team.