Suriname Map

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Map of Suriname


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Suriname Location Map

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Suriname location on the South America map

About Suriname

Suriname, officially the Republic of Suriname, is a country located on the northeastern coast of South America. It borders French Guiana to the east, Guyana to the west, Brazil to the south, and faces the Atlantic Ocean to the north. With a population of approximately 632,000 people, it is the smallest independent country in South America.

The capital and largest city is Paramaribo, which serves as the country's economic and cultural center. Dutch is the official language, making Suriname the only independent nation in South America where Dutch is spoken. The country gained independence from the Netherlands in 1975.

Suriname's economy is dominated by natural resource extraction, particularly bauxite mining, oil production, and gold mining. Agriculture, particularly rice and bananas, also plays a significant role. The country possesses one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world, with approximately 94% of its territory covered by pristine tropical rainforest.

The nation is known for its ethnic diversity, featuring populations of Indian, African, Indonesian, Chinese, and European descent, as well as indigenous peoples. This multicultural heritage is reflected in Suriname's cuisine, festivals, and religious practices. The country's political system is a democratic republic with a unicameral parliament.

The Facts:
Capital: Paramaribo.
Area: 63,252 sq mi (163,821 sq km).
Population: ~ 632,000 (2022 estimate).
Largest cities: Paramaribo, Lelydorp, Nieuw Nickerie, Moengo, Nieuw Amsterdam, Mariënburg, Wageningen, Albina, Groningen, Brownsweg.
Official language: Dutch.
Currency: Surinamese dollar (SRD).
Districts of Suriname: Nickerie, Coronie, Saramacca, Wanica, Paramaribo, Commewijne, Marowijne, Para, Sipaliwini, Brokopondo.

Resorts of Suriname: Kwakoegron, Marshallkreek, Klaaskreek, Centrum, Brownsweg, Sarakreek, Margaretha, Bakkie, Nieuw Amsterdam, Alkmaar, Tamanredjo, Meerzorg, Welgelegen, Totness, Johanna Maria, Moengo, Wanhatti, Galibi, Moengo Tapoe, Albina, Patamacca, Wageningen, Groot Henar, Oostelijke Polders, Nieuw Nickerie, Westelijke Polders, Para Noord, Para Oost, Para, Zuid, Bigi Poika, Carolina, Blauwgrond, Rainville, Munder, Centrum, Beekhuizen, Weg naar Zee, Welgelegen, Tammenga, Flora, Latour, Pontbuiten, Livorno, Calcutta, Tijgerkreek, Groningen, Kampong Baroe, Wayamboweg, Jarikaba, Tapanahony, Boven Suriname, Boven Saramacca, Boven Coppename, Kabalebo, Coeroeni, Pamacca, Kwatta, Saramacca Polder, Koewarasan, De Nieuwe Grond, Lelydorp, Houttuin, Domburg.

Written and fact-checked by team.