Dunedin Maps

Dunedin Location Map

Full size Dunedin Location Map

Online Map of Dunedin

Large detailed map of Dunedin

3528x3578px / 4.42 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of Dunedin

Dunedin tourist map

2909x2025px / 2.2 Mb Go to Map
Dunedin tourist map

Dunedin CBD map

3335x4366px / 3.84 Mb Go to Map
Dunedin CBD map

Dunedin area map

1225x1163px / 482 Kb Go to Map
Dunedin area map

About Dunedin

The Facts:
Region: Otago.
Island: South Island.
Population: ~ 135,000.
Neighborhoods of Dunedin: The Octagon, Woodhaugh, Dalmore, South Dunedin, Liberton, Roslyn, Maryhill, Glenleith, Belleknowes, Kaikorai, City Rise, Leith Valley, Mornington, Pine Hill, Normanby, Mt Mera, North East Valley, Opoho, Shiel Hill, Dunedin North, Ravensbourne, Highcliff, Corstorphine, Challis, Waverley, Vauxhall, Ocean Grove (Tomahawk), Tainui, Andersons Bay, Musselburgh, St Kilda, St Clair, Kew, Forbury, Caversham, Concord, Kenmure, Kaikorai Valley, Wakari, Maori Hill.

Main sights in Dunedin: The Octagon, Dunedin Town Hall, Dunedin Railway Station, Olveston, Larnach Castle, Regent Theatre, Fortune Theatre, Otago Museum, Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Knox Church, St. Joseph's Cathedral, St. Paul's Cathedral.

Postcodes: 9010, 9011, 9012, 9013, 9014, 9016, 9018, 9022, 9023, 9024, 9035, 9076, 9077, 9081, 9082, 9092.
Area code: 03.
Google Map of Dunedin
Website: www.dunedin.govt.nz.

Major highways: State Highway 1, State Highway 88, State Highway 86, State Highway 87, State Highway 85.
Major Streets in Dunedin: Princes Street, Stuart Street, Moray Place, George Street, Castle Street, Baldwin Street.

Colleges and universities: University of Otago, Lincoln University, Otago Polytechnic.

Last Updated: November 22, 2023