Isle of Pines Map


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Isle of Pines Tourist Map

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Isle of Pines Tourist Map

About Isle of Pines

The Facts:

The Isle of Pines, located in New Caledonia, is situated approximately 48 kilometers southeast of Grande Terre in the Pacific Ocean. This 152-square-kilometer island, discovered by James Cook in 1774, is known for its distinctive Araucaria columnaris pine trees, which can reach heights of up to 60 meters. The indigenous Melanesian people, known as Kuniés, have inhabited the island for over 2,000 years.

Piscine Naturelle d’Oro, Isle of Pines
Piscine Naturelle d’Oro, Isle of Pines, Author: Google Street View

The island features several significant natural and historical landmarks. Kuto Bay and Kanumera Bay are renowned for their pristine white sand beaches and crystal-clear waters. The Natural Pool (Piscine Naturelle) is a natural swimming area formed by coral rocks, offering exceptional snorkeling opportunities. The historic Queen Hortense's Cave served as a refuge for the island's queen during tribal conflicts in the 19th century.

A notable part of the island's history includes its role as a French penal colony from 1872 to 1911. The ruins of this period, including the Water Tower and Penal Colony Buildings, remain visible today. The island's main settlement, Vao, features the nineteenth-century Notre Dame de l'Assomption Church, built by Catholic missionaries.

The island's economy primarily relies on tourism and the cultivation of copra. The local infrastructure includes the Isle of Pines Airport, which connects to Nouméa's Magenta Airport. The marine environment surrounding the island is protected as part of the New Caledonia Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The island maintains a tropical climate with average temperatures ranging between 20-30°C (68-86°F) throughout the year.

Subdivision: South Province.
Area: 58,8 sq mi (152,3 sq km).
Population: ~ 2,100.
Towns and Villages: Vao.

Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: February 11, 2025