Molise Maps

Molise Location Map

Full size Molise Location Map

Online Map of Molise

Molise provinces map

1500x1167px / 228 Kb Go to Map
Molise provinces map

Large map of Molise

1416x1176px / 858 Mb Go to Map
Large map of Molise

Molise tourist map

2050x1502px / 1.91 Mb Go to Map
Molise tourist map

Molise travel map

2700x1905px / 2.08 Mb Go to Map
Molise travel map

Molise reserves map

2542x1887px / 3.23 Mb Go to Map
Molise reserves map

About Molise

Molise is a small region in southern Italy, known for its unspoiled landscapes and rich history. The capital is Campobasso. Molise is divided into two provinces: Campobasso and Isernia.

The region is famous for its medieval towns, such as Agnone and Termoli, and its beautiful mountains and coastline. Molise's local cuisine features traditional dishes like cavatelli and pampanella. The region's natural beauty and cultural heritage make it a hidden gem for travelers seeking an authentic Italian experience.

The Facts:
Capital: Campobasso.
Area: 1,714 sq mi (4,438 sq km).
Population: ~ 305,000.
Provinces: Campobasso, Isernia.
Cities: Campobasso, Isernia.

Written and fact-checked by team.