Montpellier Map
This map shows streets, houses, buildings, playgrounds, cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, monuments, parking lots, restrooms, shops, churches, railway station, pedestrian areas, theaters, information centers, points of interest and parks in Montpellier Old Town.
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This map shows neighborhoods, streets, roads, rivers, buildings, tram lines, railways, railway stations and parks in Montpellier.
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Map based on the free editable OSM map
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Tourist Map of Montpellier
This map shows streets, tram lines, restrooms, tourist information center, points of interest and tourist attractions in Montpellier.
Size: 2658x2726px / 2.67 Mb
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Online Map of Montpellier
Detailed Maps of Montpellier
About Montpellier
Montpellier, capital of the Hérault department in southern France, is an important urban center in the Occitanie region. With a history dating back to the 10th century, the city has become a center of education, culture and technology. Its strategic location near the Mediterranean coast and its proximity to other major cities such as Marseille and Toulouse increase its importance in the region.
The University of Montpellier, one of the oldest universities in the world, contributes significantly to the city's reputation as a center of higher education and research. The university attracts a large number of students, which influences the demographic and cultural dynamics of the city.
Montpellier's urban structure combines historic architecture and modern development. The historic center, known as Ecusson, includes narrow medieval streets and notable landmarks such as Place de la Comédie, Saint-Pierre Cathedral and the Arc de Triomphe. Modern architectural projects, such as the Antigone neighborhood designed by Ricardo Bofill, reflect the city's continuing urban development.
Montpellier's public transportation includes an extensive tram and bus network that provides efficient travel throughout the city and surrounding areas. Montpellier-Mediterranée Airport and its well-connected train station provide access to national and international destinations.
The city's Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, encourages a variety of outdoor activities and a high quality of life for residents. Parks, gardens and nearby beaches provide recreational opportunities and enhance the urban environment.
Montpellier has a diverse economy, with sectors such as information technology, healthcare and higher education being its strengths. The presence of several research institutes and business incubators promotes innovation and economic growth. The city's economy also benefits from a well-developed tourism sector, attracting visitors with historical attractions and modern amenities.
Montpellier continues to evolve as a dynamic city combining historical heritage and modern innovation, making it an attractive destination for residents, students and entrepreneurs.
The Facts:Region: Occitanie.
Department: Hérault.
Population: ~ 305,000.
Metropolitan population: ~ 820,000.
Last Updated: October 01, 2024
Maps of France
Cities of France
Cities of France
Regions of France