Rome Metro Map

This map shows metro lines and stations in Rome.

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The Rome Metro, known as Metropolitana di Roma, is the rapid transit system serving the city of Rome, Italy. It is operated by ATAC and consists of three lines: Line A, Line B, and Line C. The network covers a total length of approximately 60 kilometers and includes 73 stations.

Line A, marked in orange, connects the northwest and southeast parts of the city, running from Battistini to Anagnina. Line B, marked in blue, runs from the northeast to the south, connecting Rebibbia and Laurentina, with a branch to Jonio. Line C, marked in green, is the newest line, partially operational, and extends from Monte Compatri-Pantano to San Giovanni, with further extensions planned.

The Rome Metro is an essential component of the city's public transportation system, providing efficient and quick access to various parts of the city, including major tourist attractions and business districts. Despite being smaller compared to other European metro systems, it plays a crucial role in alleviating traffic congestion in Rome.

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Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: November 08, 2024