Pescara Maps

Pescara Location Map

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Online Map of Pescara

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Large detailed map of Pescara

Pescara tourist map

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Pescara tourist map

Map of surroundings of Pescara

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Map of surroundings of Pescara

About Pescara

Pescara is a city in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, with a population of about 120,000. Situated on the Adriatic Sea, Pescara is known for its beaches and vibrant nightlife, making it a popular seaside destination.

Tourists can enjoy the city's sandy beaches and the lively waterfront promenade. The Cathedral of San Cetteo and the Museum of the Abruzzi People offer cultural insights. Pescara's local cuisine features traditional Abruzzese dishes, often incorporating fresh seafood and local wines.

The Facts:
Region: Abruzzo.
Province: Pescara.
Population: ~ 120,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.