Frosinone Maps

Frosinone Location Map

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Online Map of Frosinone

Detailed Map of Frosinone

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Detailed Map of Frosinone

Frosinone Old Town Map

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Frosinone Old Town Map

About Frosinone

Frosinone is a city in the Lazio region of central Italy, with a population of about 46,000. Known for its strategic location in the Lazio countryside, Frosinone offers a mix of historical sites and natural beauty.

Visitors can explore the Frosinone Cathedral and the Villa Comunale, a public park with panoramic views. The city's location makes it a convenient base for exploring nearby attractions in the Lazio region. Frosinone's local cuisine features traditional Italian dishes with a regional twist.

The Facts:
Region: Lazio.
Province: Frosinone.
Population: ~ 46,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.