Caserta Maps

Caserta Location Map

Full size Caserta Location Map

Online Map of Caserta

Large detailed map of Caserta

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Large detailed map of Caserta

Caserta tourist map

810x783px / 414 Kb Go to Map
Caserta tourist map

Province of Caserta map

863x829px / 157 Kb Go to Map
Province of Caserta map

About Caserta

Caserta is a city in the Campania region of southern Italy, with a population of approximately 75,000. It is best known for the magnificent Royal Palace of Caserta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Royal Palace, with its stunning gardens and opulent interiors, is a must-visit attraction. The nearby San Leucio complex, a historic silk production site, offers additional insight into the region's heritage. Caserta's local cuisine features traditional Campanian dishes.

The Facts:
Region: Campania.
Province: Caserta.
Population: ~ 75,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.