Brescia Maps

Brescia Location Map

Full size Brescia Location Map

Online Map of Brescia

Large detailed map of Brescia

4291x3139px / 6.65 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of Brescia

Brescia tourist map

2486x1707px / 1.93 Mb Go to Map
Brescia tourist map

Tourist map of Brescia city centre

1190x834px / 370 Kb Go to Map
Tourist map of Brescia city centre

Brescia tourist attractions map

1609x1694px / 1.33 Mb Go to Map
Brescia tourist attractions map

Brescia transport map

6331x7122px / 6.13 Mb Go to Map
Brescia transport map

Brescia metro map

1451x1622px / 0.99 Mb Go to Map
Brescia metro map

About Brescia

Brescia is a city in the Lombardy region of northern Italy, with a population of about 200,000. Known for its rich history and industrial heritage, Brescia is situated at the foot of the Alps.

Tourists can explore the Brescia Castle, which offers panoramic views of the city, and the Capitolium, a Roman temple. The Santa Giulia Museum, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcases the city's history and art. Brescia's vibrant cultural scene and local cuisine, featuring Lombard specialties, are also attractions for visitors.

The Facts:
Region: Lombardy.
Province: Brescia.
Population: ~ 200,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.