Ascoli Piceno Maps

Ascoli Piceno Location Map

Full size Ascoli Piceno Location Map

Online Map of Ascoli Piceno

Large detailed map of Ascoli Piceno

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Large detailed map of Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno tourist map

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Ascoli Piceno tourist map

Province of Ascoli Piceno map

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Province of Ascoli Piceno map

About Ascoli Piceno

Ascoli Piceno is a city in the Marche region of central Italy, with a population of about 48,000. Known for its medieval architecture, Ascoli Piceno is situated at the confluence of the Tronto and Castellano rivers.

Tourists can explore the stunning Piazza del Popolo, considered one of Italy's most beautiful squares, and the Cathedral of Sant'Emidio. The city is famous for its olive all'ascolana, a local delicacy of stuffed and fried olives. The nearby Sibillini Mountains offer opportunities for outdoor activities and exploration.

The Facts:
Region: Marche.
Province: Ascoli Piceno.
Population: ~ 50,000.

Written and fact-checked by team.