Barstow Map
This map shows neighborhoods, streets, roads, rivers, buildings, hospitals, railways, railway stations and parks in Barstow.
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Map of Downtown Barstow
This map shows streets, houses, buildings, cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, parking lots, shops, churches, points of interest and parks in Downtown Barstow.
Size: 2409x1911px / 1.35 Mb
Map based on the free editable OSM map
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Online Map of Barstow
About Barstow
Barstow, a city in San Bernardino County, California, is an important center in the Mojave Desert. Located midway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Barstow occupies a strategic position along major transportation routes including Interstate 15, Interstate 40, and California State Route 58. This location contributes to its role as a critical logistics and transportation center.
Barstow's economy is heavily dependent on transportation, logistics, and retail. The presence of the BNSF Railway and Marine Corps Logistics Base further emphasizes its economic focus. Barstow's retail sector includes several shopping centers that attract travelers and contribute to the growth of the local economy.
Barstow's history began in the late 19th century with the town's founding as a mining and railroad township. The city experienced growth with the arrival of the Southern Pacific Railroad and then the Santa Fe Railroad. Historic sites such as the Route 66 Museum and the historic Harvey House reflect its rich past.
The nature surrounding Barstow includes notable sites such as the Mojave National Preserve and the Calico Mountains. These areas offer opportunities for outdoor activities, including hiking and off-roading. The desert climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters, influences residents' lifestyles and activities.
Among Barstow's educational institutions is Barstow Community College, which provides higher education opportunities for the local population. The town's infrastructure, historical significance, and economic activities continue to shape its development and influence its role in the region.
The Facts:State: California.
County: San Bernardino.
Population: ~ 25,500.
Last Updated: September 29, 2024
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