East Timor Map

Map of East Timor: 1300x1054 | 1600x1297
Map of East Timor


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Author: Ontheworldmap.com

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East Timor Location Map

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Online Map of East Timor

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Large detailed political map of East Timor with cities and towns

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East Timor location on the Oceania map

About East Timor

East Timor is officially named the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. It is a country based in Maritime Southeast Asia. The country is located on east part of Timor Island (another part is where Indonesia is located). It bordered by Ombai Strait, the greater Banda Sea, and Wetar Strait. Australia and Indonesian Province of East Nusa Tenggara are separated by the Timor Sea.

In early years East Timor was colonized by Portugal and later after its independence was invaded and occupied by Indonesia. The official languages are Tetum and Portuguese. National languages are as follows: Atauru, Baikeno, Bekais, Bunak, Fataluku, Galoli, Habun, Idalaka, Kawaimina, Kemak, Makalero, Makasae, Makuva, Mambai and Tokodede.

The Facts:
Capital: Dili.
Area: 5,770 sq mi (14,950 sq km).
Population: ~ 1,354,000 (2023 estimate).
Largest Cities: Dili, Gleno, Baucau, Maliana, Viqueque, Liquiçá, Pante Macassar, Ainaro, Suai, Lospalos, Same, Aileu, Manatuto.
Official language: Tetum, Portuguese.
Currency: United States dollar $ (USD).
Municipalities of East Timor: Dili, Ermera, Baucau, Bobonaro, Viqueque, Liquiçá, Oecusse (SAR), Ainaro, Covalima, Lautém, Manufahi, Aileu, Manatuto.

Written and fact-checked by Ontheworldmap.com team.