Detailed map of Old San Juan

This map shows streets, houses, buildings, cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, monuments, parking lots, shops, churches, points of interest and parks in Old San Juan.

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Map based on the free editable OSM map

About Old San Juan

Old San Juan, the historic district of Puerto Rico's capital, is located on a small island connected to the mainland by bridges. Founded in 1521 by Spanish colonists, it represents one of the oldest settlements in the Americas established by Europeans. The district is renowned for its well-preserved colonial architecture and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

The area is characterized by its distinctive blue cobblestone streets, made from adoquine, a material that was used as ballast in Spanish ships. These historic streets, combined with colorful Spanish colonial buildings, create the unique atmosphere that draws millions of visitors annually. The entire district is enclosed by massive fortress walls, which were built between the 16th and 18th centuries to protect the city from naval attacks.

Among the most significant historical structures in Old San Juan are the Castillo San Felipe del Morro and Castillo de San Cristóbal. El Morro, constructed in 1539, is a six-level fortress that rises 140 feet above the sea, while San Cristóbal, completed in 1783, is the largest Spanish fortification in the New World. Both fortresses are managed by the U.S. National Park Service as part of the San Juan National Historic Site.

Other notable landmarks include the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista, which dates back to 1521 and contains the tomb of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, and the La Fortaleza, which has served as the official residence of the Governor of Puerto Rico since the 16th century, making it the oldest executive mansion in continuous use in the Western Hemisphere. The district also features several historic plazas, including Plaza de Armas and Plaza San José, which serve as central gathering points and showcase important sculptures and monuments.

Despite its historical significance, Old San Juan remains a living, working part of the city, hosting numerous restaurants, shops, and cultural institutions. The district maintains strict building codes to preserve its historical character, including regulations on building heights, facades, and color schemes.

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Last Updated: January 17, 2025