Detailed map of Isleta de San Juan
This map shows streets, houses, buildings, cafes, bars, restaurants, hotels, monuments, parking lots, shops, churches, points of interest and parks on Isleta de San Juan.
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Map based on the free editable OSM map
About Isleta de San Juan
Isleta de San Juan, also known as Old San Juan, is a historic islet located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This small island, connected to the mainland by bridges, serves as the historic colonial section of Puerto Rico's capital city and represents one of the most significant historical sites in the Caribbean.The islet, measuring approximately 3 square miles (7.8 square kilometers), was first settled by Spanish colonizers in the early 16th century. Its strategic location made it a crucial defensive point for the Spanish Empire in the Caribbean. The island's natural harbor and elevated position provided excellent vantage points for monitoring maritime traffic and defending against potential invasions.
The most prominent historical structures on the islet include Castillo San Felipe del Morro and Castillo de San Cristóbal, both UNESCO World Heritage sites. These massive fortifications, built between the 16th and 18th centuries, are among the largest Spanish colonial fortifications in the Americas. The La Fortaleza, built in the 1530s and still serving as the official residence of Puerto Rico's governor, is the oldest executive mansion in continuous use in the New World.
The islet features a distinctive grid pattern of streets lined with colorful Spanish colonial architecture, including numerous historical buildings dating from the 16th to 19th centuries. Notable landmarks include the San Juan Cathedral, which contains the tomb of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, and the San José Church, one of the earliest surviving examples of Spanish Gothic architecture in the Americas. The historic district also encompasses significant plazas such as Plaza de Armas and Plaza San José.
Today, Isleta de San Juan serves as both a major tourist destination and a living community. Its narrow cobblestone streets, historic fortifications, and well-preserved colonial architecture attract millions of visitors annually. The district maintains strict preservation guidelines to protect its historical character while supporting modern urban functions. The area also houses numerous museums, restaurants, shops, and cultural institutions that contribute to its status as a vital cultural and economic center of Puerto Rico.
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Last Updated: January 17, 2025
Maps of Puerto Rico
Cities of Puerto Rico