Administrative divisions map of Poland

This map shows administrative divisions in Poland.

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List of Voivodeships of Poland

List of Voivodeships of Poland
Voivodeship Capital Area Population
Lower Silesian Wrocław 7,702 sq mi (19,947 sq km) 2,903,000
Kuyavian-Pomeranian Bydgoszcz, Toruń 6,939 sq mi (17,971 sq km) 2,056,000
Lublin Lublin 9,700 sq mi (25,123 sq km) 2,104,000
Lubusz Gorzów Wielkopolski, Zielona Góra 5,401 sq mi (13,988 sq km) 995,000
Łódź Łódź 7,034 sq mi (18,219 sq km) 2,443,000
Lesser Poland Kraków 5,862 sq mi (15,183 sq km) 3,399,000
Masovian Warsaw 13,729 sq mi (35,559 sq km) 5,432,000
Opole Opole 3,634 sq mi (9,412 sq km) 966,000
Subcarpathian Rzeszów 6,890 sq mi (17,846 sq km) 2,098,000
Podlaskie Białystok 7,794 sq mi (20,187 sq km) 1,182,000
Pomeranian Gdańsk 7,075 sq mi (18,323 sq km) 2,355,000
Silesian Katowice 4,762 sq mi (12,333 sq km) 4,501,000
Holy Cross Kielce 4,520 sq mi (11,710 sq km) 1,216,000
Warmian-Masurian Olsztyn 9,333 sq mi (24,173 sq km) 1,423,000
Greater Poland Poznań 11,516 sq mi (29,826 sq km) 3,486,000
West Pomeranian Szczecin 8,844 sq mi (22,905 sq km) 1,694,000

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Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: January 21, 2025