Lahore Map


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Lahore Location Map

Full size Lahore Location Map

Online Map of Lahore

About Lahore

Lahore is the second-largest city in Pakistan and the capital of Punjab province. With a population of over 13 million people in the metropolitan area, it serves as the country's cultural, educational, and economic hub. The city is situated along the banks of the Ravi River in northeastern Pakistan, near the border with India.

Badshahi Mosque, Lahore
Badshahi Mosque, Lahore, Author: Google Street View

The history of Lahore spans over a millennium. The city's origins can be traced back to ancient times, with historical records mentioning it as early as 982 CE. Throughout its history, Lahore has served as the capital city for various empires, including the Ghaznavids, Delhi Sultanate, and the Mughal Empire. During the Mughal period (16th-18th centuries), the city experienced its golden age, witnessing the construction of numerous architectural masterpieces that still stand today.

Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore
Wazir Khan Mosque, Lahore, Author: Google Street View

The city boasts several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the magnificent Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens. The Badshahi Mosque, built in 1673, is one of the largest mosques in the world and an iconic symbol of Mughal architecture. The historic Walled City of Lahore contains numerous architectural treasures, including the Delhi Gate, Wazir Khan Mosque, and the bustling Anarkali Bazaar.

Modern Lahore is a major educational center, hosting some of Pakistan's premier institutions, including the University of the Punjab, Government College University, and Lahore University of Management Sciences. The city is also known for its vibrant arts scene, hosting numerous festivals and cultural events throughout the year.

The economy of Lahore is diverse, encompassing industries such as manufacturing, information technology, telecommunications, and services. The city's IT sector has grown significantly in recent years, with numerous software houses and tech startups establishing their presence. The Lahore Central Business District and various industrial estates contribute significantly to Pakistan's economy. Transportation infrastructure includes the Allama Iqbal International Airport, Pakistan's second-busiest airport, and an extensive road network connecting it to other major cities.

Lahore experiences a semi-arid climate with hot summers and mild winters. The city's cuisine is renowned throughout South Asia, particularly its street food culture centered around the famous Food Street in the old city. Cricket, the nation's most popular sport, is played at the historic Gaddafi Stadium, which regularly hosts international matches and Pakistan Super League games.

The Facts:
Province: Punjab.
Division: Lahore.
District: Lahore.
Population: ~ 13,004,135 (2023).

Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: January 28, 2025