Administrative divisions map of Norway

This map shows administrative divisions in Norway (Counties of Norway).

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Counties of Norway

List of Counties of Norway
Region Capital Area Population
Oslo City of Oslo 175 sq mi (454 sq km) 700,000
Rogaland Stavanger 3,620 sq mi (9,377 sq km) 475,000
Møre og Romsdal Molde 5,543 sq mi (14,356 sq km) 270,000
Nordland Bodø 14,732 sq mi (38,155 sq km) 239,000
Østfold Sarpsborg 1,614 sq mi (4,181 sq km) 299,647
Akershus Oslo 1,899 sq mi (4,918 sq km) 630,752
Buskerud Drammen 5,756 sq mi (14,908 sq km) 284,955
Innlandet Hamar 20,105 sq mi (52,072 sq km) 375,000
Vestfold Tønsberg 837 sq mi (2,168 sq km) 253,555
Telemark Skien 5,907 sq mi (15,298 sq km) 175,546
Agder Kristiansand 6,345 sq mi (16,434 sq km) 299,000
Vestland Bergen 13,078 sq mi (33,871 sq km) 632,000
Trøndelag Steinkjer 16,294 sq mi (42,202 sq km) 465,000
Troms Tromsø 10,112 sq mi (26,189 sq km) 168,340
Finnmark Vadsø 18,779 sq mi (48,637 sq km) 75,540

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Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: January 30, 2025