Administrative map of North Korea

This map shows administrative divisions in North Korea (Provinces and Special cities of North Korea).

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List of Special cities of North Korea

List of Special cities of North Korea
Special city Population Area
Pyongyang 3,255,388 1,233 sq mi (3,194 sq km)
Rason 205,000 288 sq mi (746 sq km)
Nampo 366,815 320 sq mi (829 sq km)
Kaesong 308,440 505 sq mi (1,309 sq km)

List of Provinces of North Korea

List of Provinces of North Korea
Province Population Area Capital
Chagang 1,299,830 6,473 sq mi (16,765 sq km) Kanggye
North Hamgyong 2,327,362 6,170 sq mi (15,980 sq km) Chongjin
South Hamgyong 3,066,013 7,156 sq mi (18,534 sq km) Hamhung
North Hwanghae 2,113,672 3,148 sq mi (8,154 sq km) Sariwon
South Hwanghae 2,310,485 3,263 sq mi (8,450 sq km) Haeju
Kangwon 1,477,582 4,282 sq mi (11,091 sq km) Wonsan
North Pyongan 2,728,662 4,896 sq mi (12,680 sq km) Sinuiju
South Pyongan 4,051,696 4,591 sq mi (11,891 sq km) Pyongsong
Ryanggang 719,269 5,359 sq mi (13,880 sq km) Hyesan

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Written and fact-checked by team.
Last Updated: February 03, 2025