New South Wales (NSW) Maps

New South Wales (NSW) Location Map

Full size New South Wales (NSW) Location Map

Online Map of New South Wales (NSW)

Large detailed map of New South Wales with cities and towns

2156x1560px / 1.57 Mb Go to Map
Large detailed map of New South Wales with cities and towns

New South Wales road map

1220x1037px / 390 Kb Go to Map
New South Wales road map

New South Wales local government area map

2020x1100px / 483 Kb Go to Map
New South Wales local government area map

New South Wales rest area map

4157x2101px / 2.94 Mb Go to Map
New South Wales rest area map

New South Wales coast map

1385x1993px / 506 Kb Go to Map
New South Wales coast map

New South Wales train and coach network map

2480x3508px / 686 Kb Go to Map
New South Wales train and coach network map

New South Wales railway map

2200x1474px / 588 Kb Go to Map
New South Wales railway map

About New South Wales (NSW)

New South Wales (NSW), located on Australia's east coast, is the country's most populous state. Bordered by Queensland to the north, Victoria to the south, and South Australia to the west, NSW has a diverse geography that includes coastal regions, mountain ranges, and arid inland areas.

The state capital, Sydney, serves as a major economic and cultural center, known for landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

The geography of NSW extends from the coastal plains along the Pacific Ocean to the Great Dividing Range, which runs parallel to the coast. This ridge includes the Blue Mountains, a popular destination for hiking and sightseeing. In the interior of the state, the landscape transitions to agricultural and semi-arid areas where various industries have developed.

Tourism has a significant impact on the state's economy, as its attractions are located in different regions. The Hunter Valley, located north of Sydney, is famous for its vineyards and wine production. The South and North Coast regions offer the cleanest beaches and water sports opportunities. The Snowy Mountains, located in the southeast of the state, offer skiing and snowboarding during the winter months.

In addition to Sydney, major cities in NSW include Newcastle and Wollongong, which are important industrial and commercial centers. Newcastle, located north of Sydney, is known for its coal mining industry and growing cultural scene. Wollongong, located south of Sydney, is characterized by a developed manufacturing sector and spectacular coastal scenery.

NSW hosts many cultural and sporting events that attract global attention. The Sydney Festival, held annually in January, showcases a variety of performances. The state also hosts a variety of sporting events, including rugby and cricket matches that draw significant crowds.

With its diverse geography, vibrant cities and many attractions, New South Wales maintains its status as one of Australia's key regions, offering both economic opportunities and cultural experiences.

The Facts:
Capital: Sydney.
Area: 312,724 sq mi (809,952 sq km).
Population: ~ 8,200,000.
Largest cities: Sydney, Albury, Armidale, Bathurst, Blue Mountains, Broken Hill, Campbelltown, Grafton, Lithgow, Cessnock, Dubbo, Goulburn, Liverpool, Newcastle, Orange, Tamworth, Wagga Wagga, Parramatta, Penrith, Queanbeyan, Wollongong.
Abbreviations: NSW.

Written and fact-checked by team.