St. Moritz tourist attractions map
This map shows streets, roads, tourist information centers, hotels, public toilets, casinos, museums, spas, points of interest, and tourist attractions in St. Moritz.
St. Moritz, is a world-renowned alpine resort town that offers a variety of attractions for visitors. Nestled in the Engadin Valley, it is famous for its stunning natural beauty and luxurious amenities.
One of the main attractions is the Lake St. Moritz, which provides a picturesque setting for a range of activities, from sailing in the summer to ice skating and the famous White Turf horse races in the winter.
Corviglia Ski Resort is a must-visit for ski enthusiasts, offering a wide array of slopes suitable for all skill levels. The resort is part of the larger Engadin St. Moritz ski area, which boasts over 350 kilometers of pistes.
For those interested in culture, the Segantini Museum showcases the works of the renowned painter Giovanni Segantini, providing insight into the art and history of the region.
The Cresta Run is another iconic attraction, known for its thrilling natural ice skeleton racing track, which has been a part of St. Moritz's winter sports tradition since the late 19th century.
Visitors can also enjoy a ride on the Bernina Express, a scenic train journey that offers breathtaking views of the Swiss Alps, connecting St. Moritz with Tirano in Italy.
With its blend of natural beauty, outdoor activities, and cultural experiences, St. Moritz remains a top destination for travelers seeking both adventure and relaxation.
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Last Updated: November 22, 2024
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